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Solar energy has been a hot topic for several years in the energy sector and is considered to be the alternative source of energy whose utilization is expected to increase in the near future. With a potential to generate over 5,000 trillion kilowatts just in India, it has recently gained a lot of popularity and interest amongst both residential and commercial investors.

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Solar energy is the most abundantly available and one of the cleanest energy resources that humankind has known for a long time. With the benefits of solar energy and the advantages that it brings in, many countries around the world today are on the path of attaining success with energy generation using solar systems.

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Solar power is gaining popularity very quickly. It is not only considered as an option that is essential to reduce carbon footprint emissions and to tackle climate change, but also to be a viable alternative to the conventional power production methods for saving homeowner’s money in the long run.

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The spotlight on solar energy has been ON since the late 2000s, but it has become prominent only in the recent years due to rising concerns about global warming and the effects of climate change caused by energy production across the globe. The need for sustainable energy and increased costs for producing energy have given rise to the residential solar power market.

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Demand for energy in the agriculture sector has increased significantly to meet the needs of a growing population and an increasing demand for food. This demand along with the need for powering agricultural equipment like pumps, generators, motors, tillers, etc. calls for an alternative energy source that can decrease the dependency on fossil fuels and conventional energy.

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Not a long time ago, the search for an alternative energy to replace conventional power sources for homes was considered unthinkable for many. With the advancements in technology and the need for sustainable, renewable energy to endure in the future drove the energy industry to take an avenue of solar power.

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Energy consumption is exponentially increasing over the past few years making it a challenge for many countries to meet the demand. According to the IEA, energy consumption in India has increased by 475.81% from 1990 and touched 1349.29 TWh in 2019. That is almost a 500% increase in the past 30 years.

The cause for this increase is due to the social and economic growth where energy consumption increases across different home, office and industrial applications like cooking, lighting, mobility, communication, and space comfort.

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Today, in India, you can use solar panels to power everything at home. Your refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, television, microwave, and even your electric car can run on the energy from solar panels.

But the success of the solar panel depends on its inverter that acts as a bridge between your solar panels and the appliances in your house.

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One of the most consistent trends in photovoltaic (PV) technology has been the steady increase of power output ratings of solar modules. This increase in module power output is the result of advances in material science and the R&D efforts of both mono- and polycrystalline module producers, as well as the introduction and maturation of bifacial modules. Today, the average power output of monocrystalline modules is 375 W, and around 415 W for bifacial modules.

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